Monday, January 6, 2014

OzHR #16 - Email, HR's Friend or Foe?

Welcome back from the break – I hope you’re refreshed, focussed and ready to tackle the 100+ emails waiting for you. Not so funny is it, coming back to an avalanche of written word – all vying for your attention. Could you imagine having that volume of paper in your letter box every day, just for you?! What I find even more amazing about our email habits is how very little training we have on something that affects so much of our lives. It’s how we work, receive bills, maintain relationships and settle court cases. And we’re all just meant to muddle through it.

Another interesting thing about email is how much of a tool it can be. When used well, it documents conversations and reduces risk. When used poorly, it damages relationships and stunts their growth. Email is something HR must use well – really well. So let’s talk about it…

The chat will be Thursday 9 January starting at 7pm AEDT. Now we're in daylight savings time, find your city (or corresponding time zone) below, for the starting time:

7pm - Sydney, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne (AEDT)
6:30pm - Adelaide (ACDT)
6:00pm - Brisbane (AEST)
5:30pm - Darwin (ACST)
4:00pm - Perth (AWST)

Just make sure to pop a #OzHR in your tweet so we can see it, and be sure to invite others along for the ride!

The questions this week are:

1. Is email just another form of ‘busy’? How do you cut through the noise with your writing, and in your inbox?

2. As work emails are more available outside of work, does this promote flexible working or hinder work/life balance?

3. Is email HR’s friend in documenting conversations, or HR’s foe in managers engaging with staff?

4. What’s your email pet peeve? Do you have any resolutions for 2014?

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