Tuesday, January 28, 2014

OzHR #19 - The Power of Influence

It's like the code word to get into the cool kids club of HR: "I'm not a people person." We all like to get off on this image of being stern, number crunching hard asses who don't mess with business - we get it done sucker.

But it's just not the reality.

Maybe we're not having warm fuzzy conversations with the front line staff. But we're sure as heck nursing, encouraging and protecting our relationships with our counterparts in the organisation. We ARE people people, because that's the only way we ever get things done. We have to have incredible relationships and be such excellent communicators that they will want to do our requests.

In short - we need influence.

And that's where we come up short. Influence isn't just something we can wake up knowing and it's not something you can practice too easily. But it's absolutely essential to our effectiveness.

So let's discuss it, and share our wisdom with each other.

The chat will be Thursday 30 January starting at 7pm AEDT. Now we're in daylight savings time, find your city (or corresponding time zone) below, for the starting time:

7pm - Sydney, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne (AEDT)
6:30pm - Adelaide (ACDT)
6:00pm - Brisbane (AEST)
5:30pm - Darwin (ACST)
4:00pm - Perth (AWST)

Just make sure to pop a #OzHR in your tweet so we can see it, and be sure to invite others along for the ride!

The questions this week are:

1. How do you define influence in the workplace? Is influence something that can be learnt, or must it be from birth? 

2. Can influence compensate for a highly accountable position with little control? Is it really that powerful?

3. Is there a way to measure influence? Should it determine who you interact with? Does it matter to your personal brand?

4. How do you build influence? How do you know if it brings better results?

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